Paul & The dragon animated film
Paul & The Dragon is a short animated film about a nine-year old who is diagnosed with cancer. His doctor explains him that the cancer is like a dragon in his body that needs to be faught. As a true hero, Paul fights the dragon and wins.

The film is for children with cancer and their parents. The movie gives support to the children and their parents in their battle with the disease. The film portrays children with cancer as a heros, whom have to battle an evil dragon that lives inside of them. In this exciting humorous metaphor, children can also learn about what kind of problems and issues can arise when a child has cancer. This visual representation of cancer may also help alleviate the fears a child may have, and help talk about what is going on inside their bodies.
This film supports the efforts of the Vereniging Ouders Kinderen en Kanker. Courtesy of il Luster Productions & Anikey Studios.
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